Camellia is the state flower of Alabama. Camellias are characterized by alternate leaves, serrated leaf margins, showy flowers, shallow root system and acid soil requiring. Crawford Nursery has assorted varieties of Camellia plants including Yule Tide, Mine-No-Yuki, Leslie Ann, Hot Flash and Purple Dawn.
Inventory changes on a daily basis, so please understand that some items may not always be available and some items may be in stock or available that are not listed on our website.
Call us at 205.640.6824 or stop in to browse to see our current inventory.
The Camellia is the state flower of Alabama. Camellias are characterized by alternate leaves, serrated leaf margins, showy flowers, shallow root system and acid soil requiring. Camellias are among our most showy flowering plants. Camellia clubs are pervasive in the South and are filled with people devoted to the promotion of camellias. This important genus defines many landscapes.
Crawford Nursery has assorted varieties of Camellia plants including Yule Tide, Mine-No-Yuki, Leslie Ann, Hot Flash and Purple Dawn.
- Flowers: large blooms in fall, winter and spring depending upon the cultivar. Red, white, pink or variegated depending on cultivar.
- Evergreen shrub
- Grows 3′ to 10′ tall, depending on cultivar
- Leaves: Thick and serrated, black gland at top of serrations
- Likes acid soils with good drainage
- Partial shade
- Hardy to zone 7
Camellia shows are highly competitive events in many places and further evidence of the strong emotions this species engenders. Tea scale is the major insect problem on this species. It colonizes under the leaf and sucks the plant sap causing yellow blotches to appear on the leaf. The brown scales are the female and the white scales are the males.
Inventory changes on a daily basis, so please understand that some items may not always be available and some items may be in stock or available that are not listed on our website.
Call us at 205.640.6824 or stop in to browse to see our current inventory.